Vision & Core Values

…is that every man, woman and child in Navarre and beyond would have an opportunity to hear the gospel and become adisciple of Jesus Christ to the glory of God on the earth.
…is to establish redemptive relationships in our community in which we display the beauty of Christ in us with the goal of making disciples in obedience to Christ.
We are committed to…

We (individually, corporately, young and old) will read it, learn it, live it, obey it and proclaim the gospel, in everyfacet of our lives.

Jesus Christ is our Lord, our Savior, our life, our hope, our model for life. We will seek to be obedient like Christ, prayerful like Christ, gracious like Christ, loving like Christ.

We are gladly a God-dependent people with a God-given work that can only be accomplished in His power; therefore we must pray always and for all things, praying with each other and for each other, for others and for ourselves that we might know God and His infinite power, so that God will be glorified in our lives always and in everything.

We will gather regularly to glorify God together, both young and old, with God-given joy and creativity, singing songs together to God about God, praying prayers together to God with trust in God, reading aloud together God’s Word, celebrating together with joy and laughter the evidence of God’s work among us, weeping together over our losses and failures, that together we may be built up in faith and united as a family of worshipers.

As Christ’s disciples, in obedience to Christ’s command, we will individually and corporately pursue opportunities and strategies to build honest, redemptive relationships with those around us who are not yet followers of Christ that they may see in us the beauty of Christ and his Gospel and learn from us God’s offer of salvation in Christ and, Lord-willing, trust in Christ, and faithfully come alongside them to teach them how to follow Christ in obedience.

We know that all Christians everywhere have been made one in Christ, and that there is but one Church. We know that Christ Jesus is the only name by which people may be saved. As God provides, we will support disciple-with other believing churches and ministries in the work of disciple-making that every man, woman, and child has the opportunity to hear the gospel.

We will strive to live in fellowship with one another in such a way as to encourage one another to holiness, obedience, love and good works, faithfully building one another up in Christ-likeness, refusing to engage in gossip or any dishonoring conversation that tears others down. We will graciously and humbly seek to restore anyone among us who falls into sin and make every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

We believe that giving to the gospel ministry is worship, an act of heartfelt praise and thanksgiving to our gracious God, who has provided us with everything we need for life and godliness through Christ. Therefore, as God by his grace enables, we will give freely from the heart with joy and thanksgiving, sacrificially as God leads and provides, confident in God’s faithful provision. Believing Christ’s promise to build his Church, we will trust him to provide for COMPASS’ growth in his time and according to his sovereign will. We will not enslave this ministry with debt but, in faith, wait on God’s provision.